Do you have Curb Rash? How about Scrapes, Scuffs, Gouges, Chips, or Corrosion? Well, you have come to the right place! Parkside Detail and Accessories offers only the highest quality Wheel Repairs.  If your wheels are beyond repair, we will provide you a quote for Wheel Replacement. We provide wheel repair and replacement for all makes and models at a much more cost-effective investment.

Wheel Repair or Replacement

The Problem with Wheel Replacement

If you were to replace your damaged wheel or wheels, you might want to consider this. The replacement cost of one wheel on a vehicle in 2020 will cost you anywhere in the ballpark of $600 to $1000.  OUCH! Now, you may or may not own one of those cool little jars that have Wheel Replacement written on the side of it that you toss money in for times like these. That’s expensive, right?

Here is why. Wheels for most vehicles are now primarily made of aircraft-grade aluminum instead of steel. Yes, you heard that here first.

When You Should Choose Wheel Repair

Parkside Detail and Accessories has a solution for you!

Parkside Detail and Accessories aims to provide quality work that is much more cost-effective.  Yes, you heard that right, cost-effective, meaning you do not have to spend a small fortune to have your Wheels Repaired and they will look brand new. We promise.  Our work is covered under our paint warranty, which covers your wheels from paint failure, flaking, or peeling in the future. That’s called affordable with peace of mind.

When You Need Wheel Replacement

If your wheels are beyond the point of return… We will give you a true and honest estimate to replace the wheel without price gouging.


Curb Damage

Problem: Typically, the result of curb rash, road debris, or driving on a flat tire. Damage is generally located on the lip of the wheel, spokes, or face.

Solution: Wheels are repaired, primed, painted, and clear-coated utilizing paint adhesion technology OEM-approved paint that is color matched to every wheel before a repair.


Problem: Often the result of direct contact with road debris and or hazards.

Solution: Wheels are repaired, primed, painted, and clear-coated utilizing paint adhesion technology OEM-approved paint that is color matched to every wheel before a repair.

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